We give our in-house guests the first chance to rebook the same time next year. This means that we do not take reservations more than a year in advance.

If you have a special room that you want on a specific date, please call us as soon as you make your plans. Otherwise, it only takes one person to book the room and it is no longer available.

Does that mean that you shouldn’t even try if you want to travel at the last minute? No! Please give us a call and see if we have any rooms. Just be prepared to be flexible about what room you stay in.

We require a two night minimum for Saturday night stays in our busy season (April - November.) We will waive the two night minimum if you call within a week of your stay and the room is still available.

We hope this helps you plan your visit. Hope to see you soon!

Houghtelin's Hideaway Guest Room at Battlefield Bed & Breakfast
